HTX 976+ is a 100% synthetic lubricant for high-performance 2-stroke engines. It is suitable for all 2-stroke engines operating in severe conditions. Properties: easy reading of carburetion-----remarkable anti-emulsion effect------exceptional protection against seizure trails-----avoids the bonding of the segments and the fouling of the spark plugs----wear protection and exceptional lubrication of all moving parts in the engine------ exceptional resistance to high operating temperatures due to its remarkable thermal stability and its antioxidant----cleanliness of the exhaust ports------ Low ash content that prevents the formation of deposits in the hopper, thus reducing the risk of pre-ignition due to engine failure. Recommended utilisation rates range from 3 to 7 % depending on the engine and its performance. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: density at 15°c kg/dm3.... 0.915-------Kinematic viscosity at 40°C mm2/s(CST) 165-------------Kinematic viscosity at 100°C mm2/s(CST) 18.8-----------Viscosity index 129------flash point V.A. °C 230-----------Pour Point °C -21----------Brookfield viscosity at -40°C, MP A.S.(CP) 35700-------Sulfated ash 0.23